A story with over 150 years
The Beginning
The family history we know starts in the mid 19th century with our great-great-uncle Zé Videira, a wealthy sheep wool merchant from Santa Ovaia de Cima, Tondela. Uncle Zé Videira was married to D. Felicidade, whom the people believed was a saint. Among their many properties, the couple owned most of the quintas that are now ours. And, of course, wine was made in a floor-level house winery, as typical of the time. Since they had no children, they adopted a young nephew, our grandfather Manuel Rodrigues Cardoso Videira, born in 1880.
The House of Wool
The building that houses our winery was built in the 1880s by Uncle Zé Videira for the purpose of storing the wool used in his trade -- hence the building being known in the family as "house of wool." Later on, our grandfather built a winery on the ground floor, with granite tanks, as it was also usual at the time.
House Videira
Grandfather Videira was married in 1920 to our grandmother Alzira, who was considerably younger than him. The period between 1920 and 1960 was marked by the expansion of the House Videira (as it was known in the area), not only in terms of family (they had four children) but also because of our grandfather's entrepreneurial spirit. Building on the trade of his uncle, sheep wool, he expanded the business into the production side, first with a manufacturing operation in Portodinho, and, starting in 1940, with the acquisition of another, more modern, manufacturing facility in Parada de Gonta.
Paralelamente, o avô Videira foi, ao longo da sua vida, plantando mais vinhas, e produzindo vinho não só para consumo da casa mas também para comercialização a granel. A pequena adega caseira foi desativada, passando primeiro para um edifício ao lado, e finalmente para a nova adega da Casa da Lã na década de 1940. Muitas das nossas vinhas têm videiras ainda plantadas nesta época de 1920 a 1960.
The 3rd Generation
When grandfather Videira passed away, the estate was divided by the three surviving daughters. The middle daughter, Aurora, was married with five children. During the 1980s, Aurora's husband, Armando, continued to expand the vineyards, introducing mechanization of many tasks. He also improved the winery, building cement vats. He had plans to create a wine label. His unexpected death in 1994 preempted those plans.
The Matriarch
After Armando's passing, Aurora, in her late 60s, took charge of the properties in Santa Ovaia de Cima, her birthplace. For over two decades, she preserved the model established by her husband Armando in the 1980s - making wine for family consumption as well as some bulk sales, but selling most of the grapes to one of the big wine producers in the region.
4ª e 5ª Geração
Em 2018, as irmãs Cristina e Graça Videira tomaram as rédeas das propriedades. Foram elas que começaram este projeto de vinhos Quinta das Queimas, modernizando o equipamento, inovando nos vinhos, mas sempre preservando o património.
Em 2024, a família Californiana da Cristina — o Pierre, e os filhos Marco e Júlia Videira Baldi — juntaram-se ao projeto.
É a nossa vez! Estamos conscientes de que estas vinhas existem muito para além de nós e que somos apenas os seus guardiões do momento. Que durem outros 100 anos, de forma sustentável e equilibrada, é este o nosso desejo! Quanto aos vinhos, retomámos o projeto do pai Armando, atualizámo-lo, e, com a vontade de fazer vinhos do Dão de grande qualidade, assumimos o risco e aqui estamos!