The Project

Quinta das Queimas é um projeto familiar iniciado em 2018 baseado numa longa tradição agrícola e vitivinícola em quintas de Santa Ovaia de Cima, Tondela. Estas quintas, herdadas recentemente, englobam cerca de 30 hectares de vinha e 10 hectares de pinhais. O nosso projeto consiste em preservar o mais possível as boas práticas tradicionais de viticultura e vinificação na criação de vinhos autênticos e variados que refletem o espírito indómito das pessoas e lugares desta região.

The Symbol

Near the quinta that is the namesake of our project, Quinta das Queimas, there is a very old stone mark of unknown origin, with two opposing spirals carved in it. This symbol can also be found in Pedra Formosa da Citânia de Besteiros. It is entirely possible that this mark has Celtic origin. Our Quinta das Queimas is located near Castro de Nandufe, and through the years, many pre-Roman artifacts, such as millstones and cutting instruments, have been found. For us, this mark, and its double-spiral, are a link with all the past generations who have worked and benefited from these excellent terroirs. 

The Team
Cristina Videira Lopes

With a Bachelors degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, and a PhD in Computer Science, Cristina is a Professor at the University of California, Irvine, where she lives for several decades. She brings to the project the entrepreneurial spirit from California, and experience with tech startups.

Graça Videira
Graça Videira Lopes

With a Bachelors in Languages and a PhD in Medieval Literature, Graça is a retired Professor in the Institute for Medieval Studies in the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. She brings to the project an unmatched historical vision.

João Oliveira, Winemaker

Vines and Wines

António Órfão, feitor
Hugo Esteves, Viticulture

Vines and Wines

João Marques dos Santos

O João começou a sua carreira na indústria textil, mas a sua paixão pelos vinhos fê-lo mudar de direção. Com uma forte experiência na parte comercial de vinhos, principalmente em mercados externos, o João é responsável pelas vendas e divulgação do nosso projecto. É também cinturão negro em Karaté.

Antonio 2
António Órfão, General Manager

Having worked in the United States for a few years, António came back to Portugal in the 1980s, and, since then, has worked for House Videira. He is the General Manager for over 20 years. António brings a long experience in the field, and a profound knowledge of the places and people in the area.